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Curriculum &

Golden Earth Global School, Sangrur Sports Day

Our Curriculum & Our Principles

The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and prepares the children for Secondary School Examination and Senior  Secondary examination. Till grade X, the system of evaluation is based on the CBSE guidelines. At +2 level the School has Commerce, Humanities,  Medical and Non-Medical streams. Particular emphasis is on the holistic development of the child and nurturing of talent and creative potential.  Co-curricular activities like drama, debating, public speaking, music,  dance, art, and craft are vigorously advocated with the students as part of the curriculum. The School has tied up with KOOH, a multinational sports company, to provide state of the art sports facility to students.

Education in Present Scenario

We believe in:

  • Instilling confidence in each student, giving them the ability to adapt and succeed in the future.

  • Achieving excellence in all we do.

  • Developing each student’s unique gifts.

  • Engaging students in relevant, experiential, and personalized learning.

  • Cultivating creative problem solving, critical thinking and innovation among students.

  • Promoting integrity, civility, and global citizenship.

  • Enriching learning by honouring our diversity.

  • Fostering a culture of collaboration, trust and shared responsibility.

The word education comes from the word “educere” which means to bring about what is already inside. The purpose of school education is to guide the children to discover themselves by identifying and nurturing their potential to their full extent. A teacher is a person who builds the future of a student by planting the seeds of knowledge. There is an old Chinese saying, Give a seed to a potter, and you shall have a bonsai. A parent or teacher must act as gardeners and not as potters. It is crucial for an education system to be based on application and intelligence instead of trying to test memory or knowledge. Our present education system lacks practicality and its relevance. A recent article on education denotes that the education system is currently based on three facts The purpose of education is to empower an individual to succeed in the future. Success may be calculated in terms of monetary gains and respect at work. The educationists must support the real facts of life by connecting classroom lectures with real-life experiences. The present education system should include personality development lessons, moral and ethical teaching. The education system should be beyond the religion, region and language. Our children would grow up to be sensible, sensitive and responsible global citizens.


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